
Curated collections of tried and true products for everyday living.

Warm Weather, Kids Meggie Owsiak Warm Weather, Kids Meggie Owsiak

Above the Knee Shorts for Boys

Calling all boy Moms! Why is it so difficult to find cute shorts for boys that don't fit like an absolute capri? As a toddler, my son was swimming in almost every short and looked so frumpy. So I made it my mission to find cute shorts that hit above the knee, for all occassions. As he recently has sized out of toddler shorts and into the big boy section, I have had to start start my search all over again! I have found many good ones over the years, so here are my favorites for both toddler and big boy sizes!

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Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak

Easter Basket Stuffers for Ages 3+

Easter Basket stuffers for toddlers and kids are a great time to gift them fun activities for the warmer months ahead, along with practical things you may need to upgrade for them anyways as they continue to grow! Here are plenty of cute ideas to throw in their Easter basket that will be sure to entertain them and set them up for spring and summer!

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Holiday, Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak Holiday, Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak

Easter Books for Kids

You all know by now I love building a book collection for my kids for every holiday! There are so many great Easter books out there for kids of all ages that both celebrate the meaning of the holiday and also the change of seasons welcoming Spring! I have broken down my recommendations into two categories. First, board books that are great for younger kids, many of which include lift-a-flaps and interactive pages. And secondly, story books for kids who are a little older and love to sit through and understand the meaning of a story or perhaps read one themselves!

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Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak

The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide

Valentine's Day isn't just for grown-ups—it's the perfect opportunity for kids to get creative and spread love in their own special way! This guide is packed with ideas for outfits, activities, decor, and gifts that will make the day extra special. From heart-shaped crafts to adorable outfits and simple gifts, we've got everything you need to make Valentine’s Day full of love and fun for your little ones.

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Kids, Home Meggie Owsiak Kids, Home Meggie Owsiak

Toy Storage

As parents we find ourselves swimming in toys. How on earth am I going to store all of these little pieces and keep them organized? We polled our community on the type of toy storage solutions you were looking for and have so many great recommendations. We ordered all of these items and personally tried them out for you to ensure they were good solutions.

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Gift Guides, Kids Meggie Owsiak Gift Guides, Kids Meggie Owsiak

Favorite Books for Kids

Books make some of the best gifts for kids, especially if you need ideas for family gifts or siblings. I always love when my kids are gifted new books we haven't heard of with a note in the front from friends. We polled the community on what your family's favorite books are, regardless of age. So we have compiled the top gifts to add to your collection and save for gift ideas for others!

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Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak Holiday, Kids Meggie Owsiak

The Ultimate Holiday Guide

The holiday season has arrived and we are here to be your one stop shop for all things gift giving and making every moment for your family special. We have curated categories of our favorite holiday cheer including books for kids, activities to occupy them while hosting, the cutest outfits to dress them in and much more!

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Kids Meggie Owsiak Kids Meggie Owsiak

Disney World : Magical Chaos 

Disney is SO magical, there is no denying that. The joy my kids experienced was nothing I have witnessed and my husband and I were reminded how much we love rides. But, after taking my own kids I don’t think people talk enough about how truly insane it is! So, while I am not an expert, here are my takeaways and honest advice from one Mom’s experience.

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Kids, Baby, Travel Meggie Owsiak Kids, Baby, Travel Meggie Owsiak

How to Entertain a 9-24m old on a Flight

Flying with a child ages 9-24 months old is the hardest age, in my opinion! They want to move and be active and don't have the attention span for many activities or watching a tablet yet. It can be an adventure to keep their little minds engaged during a flight, so we polled the community for the best tips and activities that have worked to keep kids this age busy.

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Kids, Travel Meggie Owsiak Kids, Travel Meggie Owsiak

Road Trip Must Haves - Essentials and Activities for Kids

Embarking on a road trip with kids can be a fun adventure, but also may feel daunting knowing kids can be unpredictable. It is essential to be well-prepared, so we have rounded up all the must-have products to make the ride smooth and ensure you are prepared for whatever comes your way. We also have a long list of entertaining activities fit for the car, outside of the obvious tablet.

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Cold Weather, Kids Meggie Owsiak Cold Weather, Kids Meggie Owsiak

Cold Weather Gear for Kids

There is always that first panic of the season when you realize your child has outgrown all of their cold weather gear and you scramble to order the essentials in the next size! Here is a round up of everything to stock up on for your growing toddler or kid. These items are tried and true and things I use for both my kids! I like to buy things neutral in color so it can be passed down to the next child, especially when it comes to things like jackets and boots or higher ticket items.

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Kids, Travel Meggie Owsiak Kids, Travel Meggie Owsiak

Travel Activities for Kids

Planning a family vacation and looking to keep the little ones entertained? Here is a round up of some of the best travel activities for kids. In my opinion, these recommendations are best for ages 2 and up when you are looking for entertainment and don't want to succumb to the tablet quite yet. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE screen time for my kids when flying or on a road trip, but I do try and hold off as long as I can to avoid any motion sickness or just craziness when I know its a long travel day.

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Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak

Thanksgiving Books

Thanksgiving is a great time to introduce your kids to books about giving thanks. Here is a roundup of my favorite Thanksgiving books for kids that are perfect for sparking gratitude and joy. These books help to celebrate the holiday and its values in a way that’s just right for little ones whether they are babies or older kids there are options for all ages, all rooted in being thankful.

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Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak

Halloween Books

Looking for the perfect Halloween books for kids? This collection features a variety of Halloween books that includes everything from board and flap books for your youngest readers, as well as story books for older kids. These books are perfect for making reading fun and festive while celebrating Halloween with your kids!

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Kids Meggie Owsiak Kids Meggie Owsiak

Toddler and Little Kid Sneakers

Back to school is just around the corner which often means it is time to buy new sneakers for your kid's growing feet! Here are some of my favorite sneakers for toddlers and little kids!

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Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak Kids, Baby Meggie Owsiak

Daycare and Preschool Essentials

Daycare + Preschool Essentials: Sending your little one to daycare or preschool for the first time can be overwhelming! It is enough to manage the emotions of dropping them off in the hands of others, let alone knowing all the essentials you will need for the baby through toddler stage. All 3 of our kids have gone to daycare since they were infants and here are the must haves that we have used throughout the years!

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Kids Meggie Owsiak Kids Meggie Owsiak

Back to School Essentials

Back to school is just around the corner! Schools, especially in the south, start to go back as soon as early August, so I am sharing my favorite products to prepare you for what essentials you may need before the first day!

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Kids Meggie Owsiak Kids Meggie Owsiak

Toddler Sports Gear

If you are in that era where you have a curious toddler but haven't gotten to the point where they are old enough for a lot of organized sports yet, here is a round up of some gear to get them exposed to some of the basics.

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