Curated collections of tried and true products for everyday living.
Swimwear For the Family
Spring break and warm weather is upon us, which means it is time to stock up on swimwear for the family! I have compiled my favorite swim styles and brands for everyone from baby to maternity styles!
Beach and Pool Essentials for Kids
Whether you are packing up for a warm weather vacation or gearing up for summer, heading to the beach or pool requires you to pack a lot of essentials for your kids! Here is an all inclusive list of everything kid related you could need for a fun day in the sun.
Easter Basket Stuffers for Ages 0-2
If you are celebrating one of your child's first Easters, I love to stuff their Easter basket with a mix of practical items they will need for spring and summer, along with some fun sensory toys that will get good use as they continue to develop and explore the world around them!
Easter Books for Kids
You all know by now I love building a book collection for my kids for every holiday! There are so many great Easter books out there for kids of all ages that both celebrate the meaning of the holiday and also the change of seasons welcoming Spring! I have broken down my recommendations into two categories. First, board books that are great for younger kids, many of which include lift-a-flaps and interactive pages. And secondly, story books for kids who are a little older and love to sit through and understand the meaning of a story or perhaps read one themselves!
How to Entertain a 9-24m old on a Flight
Flying with a child ages 9-24 months old is the hardest age, in my opinion! They want to move and be active and don't have the attention span for many activities or watching a tablet yet. It can be an adventure to keep their little minds engaged during a flight, so we polled the community for the best tips and activities that have worked to keep kids this age busy.
Cold Weather Gear for Babies
Cold weather season is upon us, which means it will soon be time to bundle up your littlest one. Here are the essentials to keep them snug as a bug when you are out and about in colder temps. From snowsuits to accessories this guide will cover all of your cold weather needs!
Thanksgiving Books
Thanksgiving is a great time to introduce your kids to books about giving thanks. Here is a roundup of my favorite Thanksgiving books for kids that are perfect for sparking gratitude and joy. These books help to celebrate the holiday and its values in a way that’s just right for little ones whether they are babies or older kids there are options for all ages, all rooted in being thankful.
Halloween Books
Looking for the perfect Halloween books for kids? This collection features a variety of Halloween books that includes everything from board and flap books for your youngest readers, as well as story books for older kids. These books are perfect for making reading fun and festive while celebrating Halloween with your kids!
Daycare and Preschool Essentials
Daycare + Preschool Essentials: Sending your little one to daycare or preschool for the first time can be overwhelming! It is enough to manage the emotions of dropping them off in the hands of others, let alone knowing all the essentials you will need for the baby through toddler stage. All 3 of our kids have gone to daycare since they were infants and here are the must haves that we have used throughout the years!
C-Section Recovery Essentials
I had a planned C-Section with my third child due to placenta previa. I am not going to sugar coat that it was easy, but like anything the challenges of it seem so distant as time goes on. There were a handful of essentials that were a game changer for my comfort and healing in the first few weeks after delivery. While everyone has different experiences, these were the must have items for me that I would recommend and why!
Sunscreen Guide
Protecting your family from the sun is so important for your health and to ensure everyone enjoys a day outside. Here is a list of recommended sunscreens for babies, kids and adults.
Sick Kid Essentials
The season of sickness has arrived. It seems as though it starts earlier and earlier each Fall and can catch us by surprise. Having sick kids is so hard on a parent and the last thing you need on your plate is worrying about going out to buy the essentials to care for your kids. Beyond the medication and endless doses of Motrin, here are some essentials that can help make your children more comfortable when they aren't feeling their best and you equipped with the tools to help them.
Hospital Bag: What I am Packing
When it comes to packing my hospital bag for delivery, I am not an over packer. By the 3rd child, I feel like I really have this down and am trying to keep it simple. It is absolutely unnecessary that a rolling suitcase comes with you to the hospital in my opinion! Outside of this list don't forget basics like your toiletries, any favorite snacks, a pillow if you or your partner prefer one from home and finally the car seat! Here is my list of essentials I have packed and ready to go!