Longchamp Le Pliage Tote Bag
This bag was the runner up in our community poll for best work bags. It is the OG bag- at $155, this comes in multiple different color ways and sizes and can be personalized! It has a full zip closure and snap top with two inside pockets. While this lacks different storage compartments, the quality canvas, long lasting minimalist design and ease of folding/storing makes up for that. Many people said they bought organizers for this and it took the bag to a new level! The brand also has a lifetime warranty (minus the hardware) so if the bag has any wear and tear they will replace it for free.
Read the poll here.
This bag was the runner up in our community poll for best work bags. It is the OG bag- at $155, this comes in multiple different color ways and sizes and can be personalized! It has a full zip closure and snap top with two inside pockets. While this lacks different storage compartments, the quality canvas, long lasting minimalist design and ease of folding/storing makes up for that. Many people said they bought organizers for this and it took the bag to a new level! The brand also has a lifetime warranty (minus the hardware) so if the bag has any wear and tear they will replace it for free.
Read the poll here.
This bag was the runner up in our community poll for best work bags. It is the OG bag- at $155, this comes in multiple different color ways and sizes and can be personalized! It has a full zip closure and snap top with two inside pockets. While this lacks different storage compartments, the quality canvas, long lasting minimalist design and ease of folding/storing makes up for that. Many people said they bought organizers for this and it took the bag to a new level! The brand also has a lifetime warranty (minus the hardware) so if the bag has any wear and tear they will replace it for free.
Read the poll here.