Gifts for Girlfriends

We polled the community on the best gifts to give a close girlfriend! Whether you are celebrating a birthday, an accomplishment or simply just want to give her something to show how much she means to you, you all had tons of great ideas. Let’s be honest, girlfriends make the world go round, I couldn’t do life or motherhood without them!

A lot the submissions involved spending quality time with your friends- treating them to a lunch or girls night out, getting a mani/pedi or spa treatment together, paying for a babysitter for an afternoon. This is definitely what I like to gift my friends! As life gets busier with kids, there is nothing more I cherish than time with best friends.

The most popular submission was giving them a gift card, especially one that is tailored to their personal interests. Ideas include anything from their favorite restaurant or store or for something like a facial or manicure. You can also simply bring them some pretty flowers with their favorite treat. So many of you said, when you receive something like your favorite dessert or wine or Starbucks order, it means a lot to know your friends remember your personal taste.

If you want to buy them a gift or product though, here were the top 10 ideas recommended by all of you!

Paid links and prices subject to change.


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Engagement Gifts